Owning Real Estate in Vail/Beaver Creek is all about lifestyle. I thought I would pass on a tip from my previous life as a Ski Instructor.
Recently I visited a friend in Stratton Vermont for a long weekend. He had mentioned to me that, "in the east, the snow is harder, so skiers should be stronger, but everyone skids thier turns". With today's new equipment, skis will hold much better, even on eastern hard pack. The key is learning how to balance on an edged ski. When my children were young, it was as simple as saying, "I want to see the bottoms of your skis", when below them on the hill. They didn't think about rolling their foot, (feet) onto the inside edge of the downhill ski. Yes, world cup skiers are so strong that they actually work with both feet on matching edges, but we can really get away with the downhill ski predominately. Just control the inside ski so little things like tips don't cross or the feet don't open too much.
Back on that Vermont hard pack, ski on the edge of the ski and yes you will probably still skid somewhat, but at least it is controlled. Oh yes, I tune every 3 to 4 days on skis, you should too.
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